Kennedy began her love for theater and acting at the age of four! Yes, four!
She was spotted by a local theater director at a pre-school Thanksgiving
performance and as they say, "the rest is history!" She began her career as a
lullaby league munchkin in a theater production of Wizard of Oz and quickly
moved into larger roles, such as Cindy Lou Who in The Grinch that Stole
Christmas and Molly in Annie, just to name a few.
Kennedy's parents recognized her talent and passion, and began their hunt
for a local Orlando agent, which was not a difficult task. Kennedy quickly
began booking local commercials, industrials, magazine covers, etc.
Kennedy has often been described as "an old soul." As an actor, she
expresses a maturity and wisdom of someone far older. Kennedy is known in
the industry for her professional attitude on set and her incredible awareness.
She has also been described as "a natural" and one who takes direction
exceptionally well.
Kennedy has worked at a variety of venues, including the Orlando Repertory
Theater and the Bob Carr Performing Arts Center in Orlando, Florida. She
has performed at conferences and has often times been invited to sing the
National Anthem at sporting events. Kennedy was also very successful in the
Los Angeles market, where after only four short weeks, she was cast in the hit
TV show, Criminal Minds.
It Happens Fast, Sugarcrash Kids & The Forgotten Island
Beautiful, The Carole King Musical
Make You Feel My Love, Bob Dylan
I Cain't Say No, Oklahoma!